0 – 2 years
The two spacious playrooms cater for 21 children daily it is very attractive and bright and staff pride themselves on the engaging learning environment they have created.
Staff in this room also use the “Pre-Birth to Three” curriculum document to plan learning experiences for the children.
Staff encourage children to show their interests and use language to help decide what they are going to learn about. Through these topics staff support children’s development using the 4 key aspects of the curriculum which are – Literacy, Curiosity, Health and Well being and Movement and co-ordinationNumeracy and Mathematics. Staff value and understand the importance of early years experiences and how these can have detrimental effect on children’s development and learning.
Staff plan activities that will enhance the children’s time at nursery, listening to children not just through verbal language, valuing the relationships between parent and child, promoting positive relationships with others while also promoting positive behaviour.
Children have the freedom to explore their own personalities and to express themselves, while staff still provide opportunities for one on one time.
Staff ensure they know all they can about a child and family to give the best possible care and support to each individual family. Again all children have a ‘key worker’ . Staff build relationships by being observant, responsive, attentive, understanding, have a good understanding of children’s development while being reflective and professional.
The 0-2 room follows a flexible routine throughout the day, as value each child as an individual and the routine is flexible for each child.
Each child again has a bed with their own sheet and blanket and also sit at the table to eat lunch and snacks.
Children are encouraged to develop their independence while still have staff to support when needed.
Children in 0-2 room also have outdoor experiences each day between the local community and the nursery garden.

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing