Citizenship begins with knowledge of how the world works and an awareness of the links between local and global issues. Children form ideas about who they are and how they fit into the world around them early on. They are already developing attitudes about their own self worth and the worth of others. Hyde n Seek provide opportunities for children to build the skills needed to make a positive contribution in making the world a fairer and more sustainable place.
Global citizenship forms an important part of our good practice in line with current curriculum as it encompasses and develops issues of inclusion and equality. It builds on anti-racist education, multiculturism, gender, human rights and environmental education and offers a specific and unique response to the challenge of poverty.
All of our nurseries are now joined with a citizenship program called Etwinning where we can communicate with children from nurseries all over the world. So far we have had links with nurseries in Spain and Poland. Children have developed pen pals and used SKYPE to video call their friends in Spain.

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing