2 – 3 years
Our Toddler Room
Within our 2-3 room the children are provided with a range of play experiences to help develop their natural curiosity.
The room is well resourced with home corner, puppets, story corner, sand and water play, natural materials and much more.
Throughout the day your child will be encouraged to develop their knowledge and independence through praise and encouragement.
The room is separated into a messy side and a quiet side. In the messy room staff will provide opportunity for sensory exploration with a wide range of resources as well as creative messy activities like painting, gluing and play dough. The quiet side allows children to relax and have quiet time if they wish, having a book corner, small world, imaginative play, sensory area and more.
Each staff member will provide learning experiences which are responsive to the children’s interests or developmental needs and staff evaluate the learning experiences daily and record children‘s achievements in their own learning journey via our Famly app
Parents are kept up to date via our Famly app of what their children have been doing. Each day they will receive a detailed report
Imaginative play
Imaginative play can take on many forms from the house corner to doctors surgery, travel agents, restaurant, hospital and many more. Children have the opportunity to re-enact situations that are familiar to them as well as situations that have been enjoyable or unpleasant. Role play allows the child to express their feelings and ideas and to use their imagination without fear of getting it wrong. It can also be used to prepare the child for new situations such as a hospital stay, going to school, new house or baby or visits to the dentist.
Children will;
· Develop and extend vocabulary
· Support an understanding of the ‘real’ world
· Allows opportunities for children to express their feelings and ideas
What you could do at home
- Make pretend dens or cosy corners using an old sheet over tables and chairs
- Allow children to dress up in old clothes and shoes
- Encourage boys and girls to exchange roles traditionally held by each other
Construction and small world
We provide children with a wide variety of equipment; Duplo, lego, megablocks, animals, people, trains & tracks, cars, garage and dolls house. Children will experience building a variety of structures; they may do this independently or with others. Staff will carefully observe the child and intervene and ask questions to extend the learning. Children will learn to connect materials and discover concepts of length, weight, height, colours, shapes, patterns, matching and sorting and sequencing.
Children will;
- Develop hand/eye co-ordination and an awareness of space and time
- Direct and predict outcomes through problem solving skills
- Develops language skills and introduces new vocabulary
- Develops social skills and encourages turn taking and sharing
- Encourages creativity
What you could do at home
- Make houses for toys using boxes or furniture
- Create roads and bridges
- Use small people and animals to create or invent situations and participate in this mini world
- Encougage your child to talk about their creations

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing