
“My daughter started at Hyde ‘n’ Seek Nursery in 2010 just before her 2nd birthday. After a rocky start due to illness it took her a while to settle in, but due to the staff’s efforts within a few weeks she had settled down and started enjoying going to nursery. Since then she has never looked back and has come on leaps and bounds. Her social skills, her speech and her ability to make friends has all improved. She has taken part in various activities through the nursery that if she was at home she would not have been able to do. Some of the activities that she has had the chance to participate in are the Christmas play & party, visits to a care home for the elderly, the exercise class which has led to her going to a dance class. The nursery take advantage of the park that is just across the road, taking the children there on a regular basis, where they point out various pieces of wild life to them. At the moment they are encouraging the children to be green by their recycling program.
I feel confident when leaving her in the very capable hands of the Hyde ‘n’ Seek staff. As I have the knowledge that she is content to be there and she knows all the staff by name and has build up good relationships with them. Thanks to the nursery, I feel that she is more than ready to take the next step in her small life by starting school next year.” Michelle McCue 2012


“Jacob started Templeton Hyde n Seek nursery a few months ago at the age of 2 1/2. Starting nursery was a big change for both Jacob and I and the staff at the nursery have been fantastic at making Jacob feel welcome, confident and happy in his new environment with a truly personalised, flexible and highly professional approach. Jacob loves his nursery and teachers and is learning every day. He is happy and I feel happy and assured that he is in the best care.” Kim Wilson 2012


“Our daughter has been at Hyde’N’Seek since she was 6 months old. Now she is approaching school age and her time at Hyde’N’Seek has prepared her well. She has always been happy to attend and has made lots of friends there. Staff at the nursery are very welcoming taking time to update us on each day’s activities. Being a small nursery, staff know all the children by name, even if they’re not directly involved in their care.” Lesley Deas 2012


“For various reasons, I decided to return to work early after Emma was born. So at the tender age of 5months, Emma was enrolled in Hyde’n’Seek Nursery. It was probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. My daughter has flourished during her time in the nursery. Her speak and social skills are excellent, she can read, write and even do sums, to the extent that I was advised she was ready for school a year early! What can I say about the Staff other than they are all very nice, very helpful and accommodating. The resources in the actual nursery are very good and of a high standard as it the level of staff training and qualification. Proof of this can be seen in the last Care Commission report, of which both the staff and parents are very proud of. Parents are given the opportunity to be involved with the running of the nursery. I and several other parents organised and ran some fundraising events and this paid for some extra excursions and shows for the kids. We had a puppet show and a wildlife show with some creepy crawlies (especially glad I was there for the creepy crawly bit). There’s a quarterly steering group the parents can get involved in too. In this meeting you can ask about what’s going on in the nursery, the curriculum for excellence, partnership with the council, care commission or anything you deem appropriate! We also tend to use it as a mechanism for arranging the fundraising events. With complete honestly I can fully recommend Hyde’n’Seek Templeton for any child’s care and development from an early age. Emma loves it and although is very excited to be going to school after the summer, I know she’ll miss her friends and teachers at the nursery. In fact, she’s already asked if she can visit them when she goes to school, even though she’s not left yet!!” Cathy Docherty 2012

All the staff are very friendly and the kids love them. They are also very approachable if you have any concerns or queries. The nursery itself is a very fun educational place that makes learning interesting as well as fun. Keep up the great work! Claire Wilson 2013

The staff at Hyde n Seek are always welcoming. Keyworkers have all had great relationships with my child. They are friendly, warm and open and honest about anything that has happened during the day. I really appreciate the care they give my child as I can see how much she loves her time at nursery. The nursery is always introducing new fun ideas and themes which are always fun and educational. Leighann Bee 2013

The staff at the nursery are absolutely fantastic, they couldn’t be more helpful and approachable. They were excellent during my daughter’s settling in stage. My daughter’s eating habits have also massively improved since stating the nursery. It’s just great getting her daily report sheet and help make me feel invovled in her day! Lisa Lindsay 2013

Hyde n Seek nursery is a wonderful environment for my daughter to grow and develop. All the staff are great too! Amy Greenfield 2013

We chose the nursery initially due to it’s location but as we talked more with other parents the nursery was highly recommended by many. As expected the first week was difficult but your staff were brilliant with Yusef and by the end of a few days settling in he was happy. It’s now been 8 weeks down the line and we can see such great progress in our little boy – he’s a lot more confident and sociable. He loves to chat away and play happily on his own if needs be. He also has a great appetite and loves the food in nursery, Yusef eats halal or vegetarian meals and this has been catered for with no problems. We couldnt be happier with our choice of nursery for Yusef thank you! Kamil Shah 2013







“Jacob started Templeton Hyde n Seek nursery a few months ago at the age of 2 1/2. Starting nursery was a big change for both Jacob and I and the staff at the nursery have been fantastic at making Jacob feel welcome, confident and happy in his new environment with a truly personalised, flexible and highly professional approach. Jacob loves his nursery and teachers and is learning every day. He is happy and I feel happy and assured that he is in the best care.” Kim Wilson 2012

Why to choose a Hyde'n'Seek Nursery
creative play

Approaches to Learning