1 – 3 years
Our 1-2 room accommodates 6 children and our 2-3 room accommodates 10 children. We have a large spacious room which provides areas for the children to take part in a variety of activities. The room also has a quiet area where the children can take time out and relax.
The staff in the 1-3 rooms plan activities using the new “Pre-Birth to Three Document” published by the Scottish Executive and take into account relationships, responsive care, respect and the rights of the child. Our staff plan 5 activities a week; 2 of these being responsive to the children’s needs. Activities are planned using the 4 key aspects of the curriculum which are Emotional Well Being, Social Competence, Communication, Curiosity and Movement and Coordination. The 2-3 year old children also use Big Book Planners to increase the children’s knowledge of their monthly topic. In these books we store children’s work, photographs and comments as well as comments from the parents regarding the topic.
Our staff displays photographs and children’s work to make the room warm and welcoming also giving the children a sense of pride and belonging when they see something they have created on display.
The 1-3 rooms have a private nappy changing area which respects the children’s dignity and gives them the privacy they deserve. Out with the playrooms is a toilet area for the children who are toilet trained. Staff accompanies the children to the toilet at all times. The staff also supports the children who are toilet training. As the children experience a number of transitions in the first few years of their lives we try to reduce the number they go through in nursery. This means we do not use potties as it would mean another transition from the potty to the toilet. This is also in line with our current infection control policy.
The 1-3 year old children tend to have a sleep after their lunch unless a child needs a nap before this time, in which case the staff will take the children to the quiet area to have their nap. The 2-3 year old children also have the opportunity to go for a sleep after their lunch should they require it. The children are provided with their own sheet and blanket on a sleeping mat, sheets are washed on a daily basis and blankets on a weekly basis in line with our infection control policy.
Our staff fill in daily routine sheets for all the children in the 1-3 rooms to allow the parents to see how much the children have eaten throughout the day, nappy changes and how they are progressing in their toilet training. These sheets also provide information on activities the children have participated in throughout the day.
As we are situated next to Glasgow Green, the children have numerous opportunities to go outside. The 1-2 year old children tend to go in the triple buggies and the 2-3 year old children hold on to someone’s hand. Children have the opportunity to go out twice a day, weather permitting and visit places within the local area, e.g. the local library, the local shops to but fruit, etc for snack. The 2-3 year old children are given opportunities to help prepare their own snack once they have purchased it from the shops; this provides them with a good learning experience. We are a healthy eating nursery and all snacks and lunches are prepared on the premises using fresh ingredients. We also provide alternatives for any child who may have an allergy or a dislike to a particular food.

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing