I went back to work when my son was 14 months old and sent him to a different nursery, we had a terrible experience, he cried everyday, barely got outdoor time and just really struggled. At 2 I decided to try a different setting and moved him to Hyde and seek. The difference has been incredible. The atmosphere is friendly and helpful, the first day I took him to settle in he bumped his head and I braced myself for disaster, a staff member got to him before me and I couldn’t believe it when she settled him and got him playing with a box of magnets. I left and had the most relaxed hour I’ve had since he was born as I really felt he was safe. From the first few days he went in happy, he was happy and full of stories of his day when I collected him. Now we’re on lock down he asks to ‘go to school to see my friends and the ladies’ most days. We take him a walk past so he can check it’s still on holiday. Lovely staff, lovely facilities, particularly and impressive outdoor space and a nice atmosphere. – Malissa McWilliams

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing