Facilities & Rooms
We provide a service of the highest quality and are registered for sixty seven children each day from 0-5years of age.
At present we have 125 children on our role and the current occupancy is around 99%.
The nursery is open from 8am – 6pm, Monday to Friday, closing only for Public Holidays, We offer full and part time places.
We invite speakers from the local community to assist in supporting children’s learning. I.e. police, fire safety and dental health practitioners.
Our links with Parents include meetings every six months to promote the children’s achievements and goals, and home to centre activities. i.e. travelling ted / lending library / Little Chef / Mini makers art box and Little Scientist boxes.
Rowantree Nursery has a fabulous outdoor space which is used twice daily. The garden offers opportunity for lots of physical play but also for natural exploration of the environment.
The garden is split into two sections. The larger area is for the 2-3 children and 3-5 children. They have access to a climbing frame, swing bridge and boat. Health and safety is paramount when children are out in the garden and staff are vigilant at all times around the climbing frame etc.
Our babies area is fenced in to keep them safe from the bigger children. They have a swing set and other physical equipment such as a chute. Both have playhouses.
We have planting beds for growing our own fruit and veg.
We encourage children to be involved in the outdoors what ever the weather. We have outdoor suits for the children to wear so they can keep warm and protect their own clothing.
Through our eco schools project we have tried to make out garden as eco-friendly as possible. We have used recycled tyres and a wooden pallet to create a table and seating area next to our outdoor classroom.
Again we have used more recycled tyres and tree stumps to create opportunities for climbing. Stepping and balancing. The children were fully involved in this process to develop this area. Pictures can be found in our children’s section for this.

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing