2 – 3 years
Our 2-3 room is small and cosy but bright and stimulating which caters for up to 10 children.
As like the 0-2 department we also use the Pre-Birth to Three: Positive Outcomes for Scotland’s Children and Families. This helps us to consider the bonds between children and their carers plus their extended families and gives us 4 main key principles to look at.
These four main key principles are: Rights of the Child, Relationships, Responsive Care and Respect.
Our room is divided into two areas and both are set up to challenge and stimulate children where they can feel at ease to learn, develop and have fun. A typical free flow of activities will usually see your child play in sand/water tray, messy area, construction and small world, story and song times including instrumental play, computer skills, baking and puzzles. This will be on top of their planned activities and experiences relating to their topic/theme that has been selected by the children.
The 2-3 changing area is separate to the room where privacy can be maintained. All nappies, wipes and nappy cream has to be provided by parents/carers. All children will have their own individual nappy box where these items can be stored in the changing area. Their is also toilet facilities for 2-3 years who are becoming more confident with their toilet training.
All children will gain a key worker who will be responsible for planning, implementing and evaluating your child’s progress and achievements. All achievements and progress will be stored in an achievement folder that you can look at whenever you want. Achievements will also be displayed in the hallway on the achievement wall. All children’s art work and photographs are displayed within their rooms and additional work will also be placed around the nursery too.
Our 2-3 children will have opportunities to learn about a healthy lifestyle through nutrition, physical activity and health promotion including tooth brushing and personal hygiene. They also have daily opportunities for outdoor play at least twice per day and will get to experience all weather types, therefore we ask that all parents bring suitable outdoor wear for their children.

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing